«Information about the products is for the exclusive use of doctors and should not be used by consumers to self-formulate. HB HUMAN BIOSCIENCE is not responsible for the inappropriate use of information by people who are not health professionals.
In case of going ahead, HB HUMAN BIOSCIENCE does not assume any responsibility for the use that is given to the information mentioned here.»
Sandra Rievera
Professional in Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the National University of Colombia, with a professional profile and experience acquired over 15 years (Labinco, Arbofarma, AGA Fano (Linde), Blaskov, Chalver and Biotecno), in the design, development and production of medicines, control and quality assurance, implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices in the pharmaceutical industry and regulatory matters, which has allowed him to have a global vision of all the processes involved in obtaining quality medicines.
His responsibility in HB HUMAN BIOSCIENCE is to represent the laboratory in the technical aspects in front of surveillance and control entities in accordance with the legal parameters and to direct from the practical perspective, all the activities that guarantee the quality and availability of the products.
Profesional en Química Farmacéutica de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, con perfil profesional encaminado y experiencia adquirida a lo largo de 15 años (Labinco, Arbofarma, AGA Fano (Linde), Blaskov, Chalver y Biotecno), en el diseño, elaboración y producción de medicamentos, control y aseguramiento de calidad, implementación de Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura en la industria farmacéutica y asuntos regulatorios, lo que le ha permitido tener una visión global de todos los procesos involucrados en la obtención de medicamentos de calidad.
Su responsabilidad en HB HUMAN BIOSCIENCE es representar al laboratorio en los aspectos técnicos frente a entidades de vigilancia y control de acuerdo con los parámetros legales y encaminar desde la perspectiva práctica, todas las actividades que garanticen la calidad y disponibilidad de los productos.